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Learn how to make your own Fountain Pen

I have been learning how to make fountain pens. Here is an excellent video on how to turn your own pen. It’s pretty simple. You just need a Lathe and good place to work. A standard lathe, with speeds laid out in steps and a manual move the belt form one-pulley-to-the-next speed change method is typically the most affordable entry point. It’s pretty easy to get into the world of pen turning. It’s perfectly adequate to the task.

You’ll also need turning tools . Here again, you won’t need to spend a fortune (although you could!) An experienced turner can turn a pen with nothing more than a skew chisel. Beginners will have a much easier time of it by investing in a pen turning kit, which includes all of tools necessary for just about anything you’d ever want to do to a pen.

One thing to keep in mind is that Carbide insert tools are considered the “training wheels” of turning as they are easier to master than traditional turning tools. They also have a longer working life because they have higher resistance to wear. A good choice for a pen turning lathe is the

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